Monday, 21 January 2013

Hand care

A few days ago I noticed that my hands where looking and feeling a little worse for wear. This got me thinking and I realised that I hadn't really been taking care of them. 
It's silly really, because it only takes a second to moisturise your hands and it makes such a difference.
My hands were and are still very dry because of the cold weather, so I've decided that from tomorrow I'm going to put in the effort to moisturise them whenever I can.

Another way to take care of your hands is to keep them clean and it is so easy to do so. All you have to do is carry a hand gel around with you, that way if there isn't the possibility of washing your hands with soap and water you can still be sure that you're keeping the germs down to a minimum. 

So there are two easy steps (that I have neglected :S)  to keep your hands clean and healthy looking. 

Do you have any other tips that you do to care for your hands?
I would love to know. Just pop it in the comments. 


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